Conditional Promise Chaining Pattern – Better code

I use ES6 promises (and not the async / await pattern). Promises were the promise to avoid the Christmas tree problem of nested callbacks. Consider three API calls. Using promises, the code will look like so.

const promiseA = Promise.resolve(42);
const promiseB = Promise.resolve(87);
const promiseC = Promise.resolve(111);

  .then(r => promiseB)
  .then(r => promiseC)
  .then(() => {});

It looks pretty neat. To make it a bit concrete, let us say, Promise A checks if an user exists, Promise B inserts a new user, Promise C does something using the user record. If the user does not exist, we call Promise B. If the user already exists, we call Promise C directly. This is what I call the conditional Promise Chaining pattern.

A simple if condition after Promise A makes us think that the code is complex. Here is a first cut of how I wrote my code.

function testConditionalPromise(isCondition) {
  const promiseA = Promise.resolve(42);
  const promiseB = Promise.resolve(87);
  const promiseC = Promise.resolve(111);

    .then(r => {
      if (isCondition) {
        return promiseB
          .then(() => promiseC);
      } else {
        return promiseC;
  .then(() => {});


The above code works fine. But it looks ugly. The if-condition introduces another level of nesting which we want to avoid while writing Promise based code. So, for a JavaScript purist, I recommend the following code.

See the Pen Conditional Promise Pattern by Vijay Thirugnanam (@vijayst) on CodePen.0

The solution is to process Promise B in the second then and Promise C in the third then. If Promise C appears in the second then, just pass it along to the next block. Conditional Promise Chaining done this way is neat as it avoids nesting. Just a little bit to keep your code clean.

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