Most people use community packages to do something as trivial as setting up a Menu on a sidebar. In my opinion, it takes more time to understand the API of a package than it takes to build the Menu from scratch. In this tutorial, I will show how you can build your own Menu using React router and SASS.

Scaffold a React app

For scaffolding a React app, please feel to use create-react-app (CRA) or Parcel.…

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The github repo, react-webpack, has the minimal scaffolding for a React web app with Webpack 4. The tutorial explains how the project was built.

New project

Create a new project

yarn init

Install Webpack as devDependency.

yarn add webpack webpack-cli webpack-dev-server --dev

Create Webpack configuration file:

const path = require('path'); 
module.exports = {     
  entry: './src/index.js',     
  output: {         
    path: path.resolve(__dirname, 'dist'),
    filename: 'bundle.js',
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