Generator function is a function that can pause, accept some input and run again.

Invoking a generator function

Consider the printHello function which returns “Hello world”

function* printHello() {
  yield 'Hello world';

When a function has an asterix (*) as suffix, it becomes a generator function. How do we invoke a generator function?

const iterator = printHello();
let result =;
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There are lot of reasons to love React Hooks. But I have one reason that stands out from the rest.

Consider a class component that sets some state. This component has a controlled input within it.

class MyInput extends Component {
  state = { text: '' };

  render() {
    <input type="text" value={text} onChange={..} /}

With class components there are three ways to write onChange handler.…

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Gatsby and NextJS are popular alternatives to create static websites using React. This tutorial shows how to work with Gatsby: use CSS modules to style, add a new page, navigate between pages, create a custom layout, add a plugin, process markdown files, use GraphQL and create custom pages.

Sample App Overview

The sample app is available in Netlify. There is a Home page which has a background image and a link to Services page.…

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