The useState hook is probably the most popular and frequently used hook in React. There were a few questions I had about it. If a component had multiple useState hooks and an event handler did multiple state updates, will the component render multiple times? If a setState function did not change the state value, will the component be rendered again?

To answer these questions, I created a sample component.…

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There are lot of reasons to love React Hooks. But I have one reason that stands out from the rest.

Consider a class component that sets some state. This component has a controlled input within it.

class MyInput extends Component {
  state = { text: '' };

  render() {
    <input type="text" value={text} onChange={..} /}

With class components there are three ways to write onChange handler.…

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Gatsby and NextJS are popular alternatives to create static websites using React. This tutorial shows how to work with Gatsby: use CSS modules to style, add a new page, navigate between pages, create a custom layout, add a plugin, process markdown files, use GraphQL and create custom pages.

Sample App Overview

The sample app is available in Netlify. There is a Home page which has a background image and a link to Services page.…

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Istanbul is a code coverage utility for JavaScript apps. It is integrated with most unit-testing frameworks like Jest. It is also possible to produce an instrumentation build with a babel plugin named babel-plugin-istanbul. This works for any React app scaffolded with Webpack configuration. However, it does not work for create-react-app (CRA). CRA does not expose webpack.config or .babelrc file, files where we can add the istanbul plugin.…

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Istanbul provides code coverage metrics for automated unit tests. It provides those metrics by instrumenting the JavaScript code. Official documentation on the website provides how to integrate Istanbul with various unit testing frameworks.

But, let’s say we do not have unit tests. And we do manual testing. How much of code coverage does our testing do? For this problem, there is very little official support.…

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Most people use community packages to do something as trivial as setting up a Menu on a sidebar. In my opinion, it takes more time to understand the API of a package than it takes to build the Menu from scratch. In this tutorial, I will show how you can build your own Menu using React router and SASS.

Scaffold a React app

For scaffolding a React app, please feel to use create-react-app (CRA) or Parcel.…

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