Progressive web apps (PWA) allow users to add the web app to the home screen. The goal is to make a web app look like a native app. So, a PWA is responsive and adjusts well to appear good in any mobile device. Even when the device is offline, it should render some content. Optionally, it should respond to push notifications, sync the app content in the background and have the capability to access camera, location, etc.…

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Running MySQL in a Docker container is a fairly straight-forward task. In this article, I will take an opportunity to use this task to explain a few basic concepts about how Docker works.

Docker machine

The first step is to create a droplet in DigitalOcean. And then install Docker engine in it. Thankfully, docker-machine does both with a single command.

docker-machine create 
--driver digitalocean 
--digitalocean-access-token <accesstoken> 

We specify the driver as DigitalOcean to create our droplet.…

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My blog runs on WordPress app hosted in BlueHost. Backup and Restore is simple with WordPress. But it requires a plugin. We should have a process for backup and restore. In this post, I will explain a process outline.

WordPress stores data in a MySQL database. It also has media uploads in a separate folder in the file system. To backup, we should make a copy of both the files and the database.…

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I completed another Stephen course in Udemy. It is the GraphQL and Apollo client course. I really love the way Stephen Grider lays it out in his own unique style. There are 100s of blog posts on “Why GraphQL” or “GraphQL vs REST”. And I do not want to take sides. However, I have listed down two specific cases where GraphQL shines.…

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